Whether you’re looking to join a class or find a venue for your own class, we can help.
Our regular weekly classes include everything from the 50-odd strong Alive and Kickin’ community choir, to baby and toddler groups and exercise classes. For more information about specific classes, including details of how to join, please use the contact details provided in the timetable below.
If you are looking for a venue to hold a class of your own, please get in touch to discuss.
Current class timetable
4-5pm Zumba Gold Friendly exercise session at a more relaxed pace with Wynona Kaspar Contact: fitness-with-wynona.myfreesites.net
Alive and Kickin’ Community Choir Enjoy singing beautiful and inspiring songs, sound and harmony & have lots of fun! Contact: mail@aliveandkickinchoir.co.uk 07723 016837 Email: https://aliveandkickinchoir.co.uk/
10am-12noon (block classes). Sunflower Birth Baby Sessions Led by Ceri Elms; yoga, massage and minfulness classes to enjoy with baby or little one.
Contact: sunflowerbabywellbeing@gmail.com website: www.sunflowerbirthbaby.com
or book online: https//bookwhen.com/sunflowerbirthbaby
7.00- 8.30pm. Brecon Youth Club Ages 11-up Powys run youth club. Contact Emma 07894 814293
12 noon-2.30pm Tiny Booth pop-up Cafe
4:00pm-5:15pm Ghost Light Young Performers (Reception - Year 2)
£5/session paid each half-term
Contact: Rosie 07973 347182
Email: ghostlightperformers@gmail.com
Ghost Light Young Performers (Year 3 - 6)
£5/session paid each half-term
Contact: Rosie 07973 347182
Email: ghostlightperformers@gmail.com
7.30pm onwards every 1st Weds of the month
Brecon Folk and More Club Email: breconfolk@gmail.com
12 noon-2.30pm Tiny Booth pop-up Cafe
5.30pm-6.30pm Silent Sitting Meditation a 50 minute session, with a brief break after 25 minutes to allow people to stretch, for personal meditation, all are welcome. Email: ruthbrown@myphone.coop
7.00- 8.30pm. Brecon Youth Club Age 11-up Powys run youth club. Contact Emma 07894 814293
10am-12noon (block classes). Sunflower Birth Baby Sessions Led by Ceri Elms; yoga, massage and minfulness classes to enjoy with baby or little one.
Contact: sunflowerbabywellbeing@gmail.com website: www.sunflowerbirthbaby.com
or book online: https//bookwhen.com/sunflowerbirthbaby
11am-1pm every 1st Sunday of the month. Timeout Brunch- Friendly, welcoming brunch and prayer, an off-shoot of the Timeout service that meets on regular Sundays at St Mary’s Church, Brecon (some covid guidance in place so please get in touch in advance) Email: timeoutbrecon@gmail.com
11am 2nd and 4th Sundays Quaker meeting
Meeting of the local Brecon Quakers All welcome